Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

What is the function of fish tentacle?

Functioning fish barbels to feel and taste the food, these whiskers to determine if food is edible or not, even be able to know whether the food was delicious or not.

Whether to plant it in the water?

Fish need oxygen in the water, if the oxygen in water decreases the fish could die, aquatic plants release oxygen to function, so enough with oxygenated water, besides functioning as a fish breeding ground, and the latter serves as a refuge for the weak fish.

Why do fish die if there is no water?

Fish get oxygen from water through their gills, gills can only work if there is water, if no water then the fish can not breathe and eventually die, but keeping fish that can live even though there was no water, among others: Fish betook, Glodok Fish, Fish serowot and lung fish.

What is the purpose of fish scales?

Most fish have scales, scales serves to protect the soft body, generally fast-swimming fish have scales that are not obvious direction is needed for agile.

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

Why are snails or slugs footprints shiny?

When snail walking requires moist places. If the place / road dried snails could not walk, so when passing through a dry snail mucus to keep it moist and could

Why do snails carry houses everywhere?

Houses conch shell is called, there are shells in the heart, lungs, stomach, kidney, liver and other body parts, and that makes wonder if snails could mend his own shell cracks. Conch shell is also to protect from the sun's heat and drought in the body
At the end of the legs have claws and fur flies fine that can be attached, claws and fur is attached to the flies do not fall even in the glass.
Flies can smell through the antenna, which serves as the nose, the hairs on the legs of flies also work to feel something

Why did not fall when the flies alighted on the wall?

At the end of the legs have claws and fur flies fine that can be attached, claws and fur is attached to the flies do not fall even in the glass.
Flies can smell through the antenna, which serves as the nose, the hairs on the legs of flies also work to feel something

Why do we feel after the mosquito bite itch?

When mosquitoes bite people and suck the blood of a mosquito's blood mixed with saliva, mosquito saliva to facilitate blood sucking mosquitoes, and who make itching is the mosquito saliva

Did you know that mosquitoes that bite humans or animals is the female mosquito?

female mosquitoes suck blood to help the mosquitoes lay their eggs because if not the blood sucking mosquitoes can not lay eggs. needs to know that female mosquitoes suck blood twice his body weight they can suck up to five times throughout his life and mosquitoes will continue to lay eggs. whereas male mosquitoes only suck water and plants.

How do grasshoppers jump?

Grasshoppers jump with strong hind legs and large, the jump was also functions to avoid the pursuit of the enemy, in addition is to jump back legs of locusts also serves to swim

Did you know that insects have ear?

Some people argue that the crickets have ears on the head, that opinion is wrong, that the crickets have ears on the feet depanya who helped to capture the sound of other crickets.
Grasshoppers hear with a long antenna membrane that lies at the foot of a hearing before him.
Tongeret heard a voice with a thin membrane that lies behind the abdomen.
Honeybees heard with the existing antenna on the head

Termites are dangerous?

Termites or "white ants", is very fond of damp wood, wood that termites will eat into powder, usually termites eating the wood in the wood so that it seems still intact but inside is porous.
What if it happens on the roof of our house?, Could collapse our house, termites therefore very dangerous, and must be eradicated, as well as harmful termites are very interesting animals, termites live in an already divided colonize each task, there is a termite soldier, worker termites, and termite queen can lay eggs up to millions of grains, they work according to each task.

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

what do you know with chirping crickets and grasshoppers?

Crickets chirping ways with less friction wings,
Grasshopper by friction feet on the wing
However, both types of animals have in common is
Only males are chirping

Did you know?

long antenna that insects are more active at night, while a short antenna is more active in the daytime

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

5 Cara agar bayi cepat tidur dan tidak gampang bangun :

1. Berikan kehangatan kepada bayi anda dengan menggunakan kain biar hangat seperti dalam kandungan.

2. Mandikanlah bayi anda sebelum tidur.

3. Berikanlah suasana yang nyaman aman dan menenangkan.

4. Pijatlah bayi anda dengan lembut, pijatan ke bayi mampu memberikan rasa nyaman ke bayi.

5. Putarlah musik yang lembut dan santai

Why can hair be white?

In substance there is hair melanin
(hair black substance),
The longer the substance
and finally petered out,
Until our hair turned white.

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Does the animal may have holes in your teeth?

Teeth of animals that are in the wild is not perforated teeth,
But in looking after animals by humans, teeth can be perforated.

do you know to your hair?

other than as the crown hair also serves as:
First to prevent overheating during the day,
Both to protect the head if we went to cold regions, and
To protect if bumped.

Why we can motion sickness?

In our ears there is a tool for balancing the body,
when cars, ships, trains and planes running
shake this tool
so that it can not work
resulting in motion sickness.


Did you know?
that the purpose of blinking is to wash our eyes with tears, while also keeping our eyes so as not to dry

The first electronic computer

Did you know that the first electronic computer called ENIAC complete
It weighed 30 tons
can imagine it ... ...
discovered in 1946 by John Maucly
and John Presper Eckert from the United States.

public phone

Did you know .... Which country has a public phone in the world that country is the United States, which accounted for 1.8 million public telephone,
followed by Japan with 830 000, public phone ...

Mengapa ketika terbit dan tenggelam matahari berwarna merah?

Sebenarnya warnanya sama seperti pada waktu siang hari
hanya saja pada waktu terbenam merupakan jarak terjauh matahari ke bumi jadi hanya warna merahlah yang mampu menempuh jarak paling jauh hingga sampai ke mata kita sedang warna lain berpendar.

Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Bayangan gelap di bulan

Tahukah kamu,
bahwa bayang bayang gelap di bulan
merupakan tempat batuan cair yang dahulu kala keluar ke permukaan.
Bagi sebagian orang,
ada yang percaya bahwa itu merupakan gambar kelinci
sebagian beranggapan bahwa itu gambar kepiting.

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

Mengapa bulan purnama kelihatan besar pada waktu terbit?

Mengapa bulan purnama kelihatan besar pada waktu terbit.
Bulan kelihatan besar pada waktu terbit, karena
pada saat kita lihat bulan terbit masih terhalang gedung pohon dan lain sebagainya,
sehingga bulan kelihatan besar jika dibandingkan dengan benda benda tersebut.

Warna sinar matahari

Tahukah kamu………
bahwa matahari yang berwarna putih
ternyata merupakan campuran dari tujuh warna,
kita dapat melihat cahaya matahari melalui prisma atau
kita semprotkan air kearah matahari
nah...... butiran air kecil yang jatuh itu akan berwarna warni

Mengapa ada siang dan malam?

Bumi yang kita tempati mirip sebuah bola besar,
bola ini berputar setiap hari kearah yang sama,
apabila tempat yang kita tinggali menghadap matahari berarti siang hari
begitu juga sebaliknya
jika membelakangi matahari maka di sini malam hari.